April 2023

Exploring the Moroccan Boujad Rug

The Boujad rug has a rich history that dates back to the 17th century when the Boujad tribe moved to Morocco. These rugs were originally made for practical purposes, such as to keep warm during the cold winter months. Over time, the Boujad rug became more than just a practical…

Exploring the Beauty of Kilim Moroccan Rugs

Kilim Moroccan rugs are hand-woven using a flat-weave technique that has been used by Berber tribes for generations. The wool used in the rugs is sourced from local sheep that graze on the high Atlas Mountains, and it is hand-spun to ensure the highest quality. The dye used in…

Discover the Beauty of Moroccan Rug Pillows

Moroccan rug pillows are a perfect addition to any home that is looking to add a pop of color and texture to their decor. These pillows are made from vintage rugs that have been repurposed into beautiful pillows. Moroccan rug pillows come in a variety of sizes, colors, and patterns…

Discovering Moroccan Rag Rugs: A Guide

Moroccan rag rugs, also known as boucherouite, have a long and rich history. These rugs were originally created by Berber women who used scraps of fabric and clothing to make functional floor coverings. During the mid-20th century, the demand for these rugs increased, and they became…

Discovering Moroccan Kilim Rugs: A Guide

Moroccan Kilim Rugs are a beautiful and unique traditional craft that has been passed down through generations. Kilim is a type of flat-woven rug that is made by interweaving threads of different colors to create intricate geometric patterns. These rugs are not only beautiful but also…

Exploring Moroccan Kilim Rugs

Moroccan kilim rugs are a beautiful and popular type of carpet that has been used for centuries. These rugs are unique because of their vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and the high level of skill required to create them. They are made from natural fibers such as wool, cotton, and silk…

Discovering the Moroccan Checkered Rug

The origins of the checkered rug can be traced back to the Berber tribes of Morocco, who have been weaving rugs for generations. These rugs were originally used for practical purposes such as keeping warm during cold winters, but over time, they became decorative pieces that were used…

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